Friday, May 09, 2008

So long blogger.

This blog is now closed. To view my new and improved blog please visit

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Coming soon

Site redesign! I'm excited.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Taken just at the right time

Click to view more, eeeeek!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Week end re cap

Good times were had:
  1. Sushi w/ husband, early night
  2. Bean There w/ friends & bird
  3. Dinner & puzzle @ said friends
  4. Iron Man w/ husband
  5. Completion of Indian Jones box set
  6. Successful bathing suit shopping
  7. Housework/errands = complete
Negative Nelly: My allergies were absolutely horrible on Saturday, but luckily I woke up Sunday morning feeling completely better. Also, gas prices are completely out of control. Who wants to buy me a Vespa? Specifically, this one. Oh you do? SWEET! ;]

Thursday, May 01, 2008

"I'm late!" he says

I've decided that one of the worst feelings is waking up late, after either your alarm didn't go off, or you forgot to set it. Those moments of panic, when you first realize that you're running late, are so gut wrenching and disorienting. Questions start running through your head; Am I going to make it? Do I have time to take a shower? How the heck did this happen? Then, you start blaming your tardiness on your alarm. You want to throw it, curse at it, and ultimately destroy it.

Ben woke up late this morning, and as soon as he realized what happened, you could cut the tension with a knife. I felt his pain. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it sucks.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


My sister won a 4 day/3 night trip for 2 to Jamaica to stay at either the Strawberry Hill Resort or the Caves Resort, and she asked me to go with her. YAY! Hopefully it all works out.

Which resort would you rather go to?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Iconic / Ironic

Quite possibly one of the most iconic and ironic pictures I've seen in a while, and completely hilarious, for the mere fact that Vigo the Carpathian is in it.

Playing in the grass

Eegor had a grand ol' time rolling around in the grass on Saturday, so I decided to document his rub down. Good times!

Click to view more.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sunny day

Friday, April 25, 2008

How rich are you?

Global Rich List

It's not what you think.

Pure cuteness

Crave Reader

Try this. REALLY freaky, and awesome.

I was craving...

a brownie. Ding ding!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spoiled rotten

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


It's official! My Mom, Dad, Aunt and Uncle are coming to visit Ben and I the weekend of Friday, June 13th (ut oh!). I'm really excited! It'll be really nice to show them our cute little townhouse, and introduce them to the area a bit more. My Mom came to visit since the wedding, but my Dad, Aunt, and Uncle haven't seen our place in all its glory yet. I hope they like it :]

My Mom and Dad bought us a cute little patio set, which will fit perfectly on our deck. It's nothing fancy, and the chairs fold up so we can put them away in the winter -- very ideal! Also, my Aunt and Uncle are giving us a small charcoal grill, which will be awesome! So we'll have a nice little backyard setup for the summer. I'm excited.

Oh my gruesome!

Ben and I rented Sweeney Todd last night, and GOOD GRIEF! For some reason, I didn't expect it to be as gruesome, and well, disgusting, as it was. I never heard the details of the Broadway musical, so I went into it pretty much not knowing anything about it at all. I sat there completely horrified a number of times, but regardless of the blood, I thought it was very well done. Johnny Depp never ceases to amaze me with his acting skills. The dude just gets better with age.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Toys? TOYS!

My Mom just sent me this picture of our family dog, Max. We have 3 family dogs, and Max hordes all the toys, as you can clearly see. Haha! So cute. I miss my puppies, but luckily I have my Eegor!

Catching up

Why does money suck so much? Why is it that just when we think we're getting "caught up" my car's "check engine" light comes on and another repair, or 4, needs to be made? I think VW is ripping me off.

Will we ever "make it"?

Let's hope, and pray.

Monday, April 21, 2008



Eegor hates Yoda

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sophie's turn!

Eegor's turn!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

HP Banner = GROW!

Found on the homepage of, sweeeeet!


Tomorrow night, Ben and I are going to a presentation by Stefan Sagmeister. He is a graphic designer and typographer, who designed iconic album covers for the Rolling Stones, Talking Heads, and Aerosmith, among many others! I imagine it'll be a rather inspiring presentation. Excellent.

Then, Ben and I plan on tackling our flower bed this weekend. We are in desperate need of some landscaping, and the weather will be perfect, so I'm really looking forward to making our little townhouse more inviting. We want to plant a tree in the front yard, add some bushes, and of course, plant colorful flowers. Let's get dirty!

Matt's little Boston Terrier pup, Sophie, is currently keeping my lap nice and warm. I love her, and Eegor is in love with her. Speaking of Eegor (because I can rarely go a post without mentioning him at least once), he has been so pooped the past few days. All he does is play play play at work, so when he gets home, all he wants to do is sleep sleep sleep. He slept for over 12 hours last night/this morning. Sheeesh!

I also added a picture of him to the Pedigree Million Dog Mosaic:
Here's your dog's chance to help us help dogs: We'll make a $1 donation* to The PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive for every dog photo that's uploaded to the mosaic.
So it's definitely for a good cause! I got an e-mail saying it's going to take 24-48 hours for Eegor's picture to show up, but if you'd like to search for him his code is: EEGOR1


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Feeling like a retard.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Play time!

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